The Alien Invaders

333 Supply


About us

333 Alien Invaders are headed straight for Earth….

The Alien Invaders is a community driven NFT collection on the Solana  Blockchain.

Born from over 100+ different traits,  these Aliens are out of this world. With a small supply we will grow a small but strong community where everyone benefits. Every Invader will act as a ticket into our monthly lottery. The community will vote on which high profile project should be chosen for the next Lottery giveaway.

Keeping the supply low means each Invader has a higher chance of winning. Like we said, we want everyone to benefit here.

First sighting

This video was captured from AREA 51. The Government wants this kept from the public but we know the truth…. They’re coming!

Here’s an extract from a Top secret file we recovered from the base

” We don’t know much. We do know these aren’t friendlies, more will be here soon, we’re out numbered and out gunned. On January 3rd we fired a TJ-1B56 Nuclear missile at a UFO located approx. 89 miles West of the moon… it hardly scratched the ship. May god have mercy on our souls”

We also have reports of British, Russian, and Chinese Intelligence agencies having concerns. I fear our only shot is earth taking a united stand against the Invaders.


Simple. We believe in Solana. As NFTs grow more and more popular across the world, Solana will attract many new-comers to the NFT space due to the network speeds and it’s rapid increase in popularity. As we wish this to be a community driven project, we want new-comers to feel welcome here. Also…. nobody wants to pay high gas fees.

We will release the Official Link to our Mint site on our Discord and Twitter. You will need a Solana wallet, we recommend Phantom Wallet. Finally you’ll need some SOL, this can be purchased from any exchange, for example: Coinbase. From there all you’ll need to do is connect your wallet to the official mint site, press the mint button, and confirm the transaction.

The price for AlienList and public minting will be 0.75 SOL.

333 Alien Invaders are coming!!!!

THE COMMUNITY!!!!! With a small supply of 333, we will have a strong, devoted and long-lasting group of NFT
enthusiasts. With the upcoming release of our second collection of 1,444 Alien Conquerors, we will encourage Alien Invader owners to hold, as they will receive an Alien Conqueror for free, if they are holding when we go live with the Mint.

Our Lottery system. Your Alien Invader acts as a ticket entering you in each monthly Lottery giveaway. Find out more in our Utility section.

Yes you can. You can find the link at the top of this website or on our Twitter @alieninvadersol




Alien Invader holders will have the opportunity to vote on which NFTs are up for grabs during our monthly Lottery.

Every month random holders will be chosen to receive the most voted NFTs. The more Invaders you hold, the more entries you have to EVERY Lottery giveaway

This way the holders, the core of the community, will be able to have their voice heard about what can be won.

40% of the initial Mint funds will go to the Lottery treasury alongside 25% of secondary sales funds.

Keeping the supply low means you have a higher chance of taking the jackpot or any bonus prizes. The selection is completely random, meaning you could win again, and again, and again.

Good luck.

Meet the team